What we do Our Services

Eco Friendly

“He that can have patience can have what he will.” 
Benjamin Franklin

Protecting our environment is a high priority at Quaker Chroma Imaging.  We are constantly striving to use inks that are environmentally friendly and to use as many products as we can that are easily recyclable.

     One of the environmentally friendly programs we are most proud of at QCI, is our silicone edged dye sublimated fabric recycling program.  With the many retail clients we have that use silicone edged graphics, each time there is a new rollout we send the new banner in a box with a return label so that the banner that is being replaced can be shipped back to us.  The banner comes back to QCI and we pull off the edging to reuse for another rollout and we then send the fabric in bulk to be recycled.


     As far as products we sell that are environmentally friendly, please check with our customer service and sales team 800-543-8883. Products are being added or taken away from this category all the time so it is difficult to keep a list of them.  However, the main principle is that there are recycled fabrics we can print on, recycled boards we can use, and recyclable hardware we can use.  At QCI we are proud to do our part to protect and preserve our environment.



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